[LSST|dm-astrometry #10] Status of simultaneous astrometry implementation in DM stack

Dominique Boutigny boutigny at in2p3.fr
Fri Aug 28 15:37:24 PDT 2015

Dear All,

As I presented during the Bremerton meeting, the simultaneous astrometry 
algorithm written by Pierre is now interfaced with the LSST stack.
It is available as an LSST-like package in : 

Some plots obtained on a set of 20 CFHT exposures (36 CCD) are available 
in the following notebook : 

Following the discussion in Bremerton, I have tried to test the 
algorithm on HSC data processed by Lauren at NCSA. The task is running 
and the HSC sources are read, but unfortunately the fit is not 
converging and I get NaN at the very first chi2 computation. This is 
probably easy to fix but requires some debugging that I will not be able 
to accomplish before my vacation.

Here are some details of what I have done at NCSA :
- Everything is installed in /lsst8/boutigny/Astrometry
- The my_package sub-directory contains the necessary packages : 
meas_simastrom and obs_subaru (taken yesterday from the master branch)
- s82V1 is a link to /raid/lauren/rerun/LSST/STRIPE82L/v1 containing the 
HSC source catalogs reduced by Lauren
- usno-a2.0 contains the USNO reference catalog
- setup.sh contains the environment setup
- run.list contains a list of visits/ccd to be processed by simAstrom.py
- The command to run the simultaneous astrometry is :
    simAstrom.py s82V1 @run.list --config 

I will be back to work on Monday September 14th.



Dominique Boutigny  -  CNRS / CC-IN2P3
Now at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Kavli Building - Room 221
Mail     : boutigny at in2p3.fr -  boutigny at slac.stanford.edu
Office   : +1 650-926-5759   -  Cellular : +1 774-232-0912

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