[lsst-dm-stack-users] Monet vs. git()

Dave Monet dgm at nofs.navy.mil
Mon Oct 22 12:51:40 PDT 2012

One of the really nice things about being totally clueless
is that people expect me to know what to do once the first
hurdle has been cleared.  Sorry.  That just opens my life
to another set of random walks.

Let me start with what (little) makes sense to me.  When
I installed the DM Stack, I started in
When complete, it left the following
    eups          Linux64       loadLSST.sh   newinstall.sh  ups_db
   EupsBuildDir  loadLSST.csh  loadLSST.zsh  site
If I go down into
I see what might be somewhat relevant directories
   afw               external         meas_extensions_multiShapelet 
   base              geom             ndarray 
   cat               ip_diffim        obs_lsstSim 
   coadd_chisquared  ip_isr           obs_sdss 
   coadd_utils       lsst             obs_test                       skymap
   daf_base          lssteups         pex_config                     skypix
   daf_butlerUtils   meas_algorithms  pex_exceptions                 utils
   daf_persistence   meas_astrom      pex_logging

Armed with a heady optimism that my colleagues had told me
what to do, I put myself in /home/dgm/dm and did
   git clone http://dev.lsstcorp.org/git/LSST/DMS/daf_persistence.git
   Cloning into 'daf_persistence'...
   remote: Counting objects: 2164, done.
   remote: Compressing objects: 100% (991/991), done.
   remote: Total 2164 (delta 1086), reused 1659 (delta 890)
   Receiving objects: 100% (2164/2164), 371.65 KiB | 16 KiB/s, done.
   Resolving deltas: 100% (1086/1086), done.
So the good news is that it worked, but the bad news is that
I now have a new daf_persistence in the home directory which
is clearly not where it belongs.

Doing what I thought Paul told me to do, I did
    cd ./Linux64
    git checkout http://dev.lsstcorp.org/git/LSST/DMS/daf_persistence.git
this ended in failure
    Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not 
Doing the checkout in ./Linux64/daf_persistence met with a similar
error condition.

My quarter is around here somewhere ...

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