[lsst-dm-stack-users] adding scipy to DMstack installation

Mario Juric mjuric at lsst.org
Mon Apr 1 10:44:47 PDT 2013

On 3/29/13 10:20 , Paul Price wrote:
> On Mar 29, 2013, at 12:31 PM, Heather Kelly wrote:
>> Anyway..  I noticed that rather than using the python (2.7.3+1) that was previously installed with the initial installation..we installed python 2.7.2+2
> eups distrib should be thought of as a cloning mechanism --- you're cloning the packages that were installed somewhere else.  So the scipy you tried to install was built against python 2.7.3+1 rather than 2.7.2+2 on the master system.
> There are a couple of ways you could get scipy built against python 2.7.3+1:
> 1. Request a new build of scipy be created that builds against python 2.7.3+1.  Perhaps the way to do this is file a ticket (component = "distrib server")?
> 2. Force your install to use python 2.7.3+1.  To do this, put the following in your ~/.eups/site/manifest.remap file:
> python 2.7.3+1

Hi Heather,
	There is a version of scipy that builds against Python 2.7.3+1, it's
just that it hasn't been declared "current" (on our distribution
server). "current" is an EUPS tag tells EUPS which version to install if
you don't specify one explicitly. So for now, try installing it using:

	eups distrib install --nolocks scipy 0.10.1+1

(note: you can see all versions that are available with "eups distrib
list", but unfortunately this won't tell you what their dependency tree
looks like).

Once you do that, declare it as "current" on your SLAC machines with:

	eups declare --nolocks -t current scipy 0.10.1+1

so that you can set it up with just 'setup scipy' (otherwise you'd need
to specify the version number each time).

On our end, I'll put in a proposal to make the new scipy current so that
it "just works" in the future.

Let me know if this worked,
Mario Juric,
Data Mgmt. Project Scientist, Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
Web   :  http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~mjuric/
Phone :  +1 617 744 9003       PGP: ~mjuric/crypto/public.key

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