[lsst-dm-stack-users] Using eups without internet connection : DM-602

Kian-Tat Lim ktl at slac.stanford.edu
Wed Aug 20 15:35:46 PDT 2014


	My understanding is that you want to have a distribution server
on your local machine from which you can install a new stack containing
Qserv without any access to the Internet.  Is that correct?

	This should be possible, because packages created using
SOURCE=package should have all their sources resident in the package, so
"eupspkg fetch" should never need to go off-machine.  If "eupspkg fetch"
is trying to use git, then the package that it is running in must have
been built with SOURCE=git, so I don't think it's the same package as on
the sw.lsstcorp.org distribution server.

	You need to make sure your EUPS_PKGROOT is pointing to the right
copy of the package (built with SOURCE=package).  If you have downloaded
all the packages from the distribution server to a local filesystem,
EUPS_PKGROOT should be set to that directory.

	I take it you have already patched things in newinstall.sh that
require Internet access, like the retrieval of the eups source archive.

Kian-Tat Lim, LSST Data Management, ktl at slac.stanford.edu

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