[LSST|dm-users 525] Postdoc positions at UPenn

Mike Jarvis michael at jarvis.net
Tue Dec 9 11:41:33 PST 2014

There are two open postdoctoral positions at UPenn that may be of interest to LSST DM users and developers.

1) A postdoc with Gary Bernstein, mostly working on DES data, but connections to LSST are encouraged.  The focus may be in any or all of the following areas: precision calibration, image reduction pipeline and algorithms, measurement of weak gravitational lensing, and cosmological analyses.  See the ad at https://jobregister.aas.org/job_view?JobID=49405

2) A joint position with Princeton University, working with Mike Jarvis at Penn and Robert Lupton at Princeton.  The full ad will appear on the Jan 1 AAS job register (JobID=50188); here is the text:

Position in LSST Data Management and galaxy surveys, University of Pennsylvania and Princeton University

A postdoctoral level position is available funded with fifty percent effort working on LSST image processing software ("data management"; DM) and the other half on weak lensing or other topics in imaging galaxy surveys. 

For the LSST DM part, the successful candidate would work with the LSST DM team led by Robert Lupton at Princeton University and interact with the U. Penn group, led by Mike Jarvis. We are looking for an experienced programmer with an interest in algorithm design and/or numerical methods related to astronomical image processing and analysis to work on the LSST image analysis pipeline.  Expertise in python and C++ would be helpful, but is not required.  The work will involve developing efficient and accurate algorithms for analyzing astronomical images, potentially including such things as: PSF modeling and interpolation, galaxy shape estimation, effective background subtraction, deblending, chromatic effects, tree rings, and edge distortions.  The emphasis will be more on developing the necessary algorithms and improving upon existing algorithms than on implementation details.  For the galaxy survey part, the candidate will be free to pursue his or her interests and will have strong collaboration opportunities in the areas of  weak lensing, galaxy evolution, and quasar science, among others.

The initial appointment is for two years, renewable up to a total of three years, and offers competitive salary, benefits, and research allowance. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, brief description of research interests, and arrange for three letters of reference to be submitted to Mike Jarvis (mjarvis at physics.upenn.edu). Consideration of applications will begin on January 15, 2015.
The University of Pennsylvania is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

UPenn postdocs are provided with individual health insurance. Further policies on postdoctoral employment are detailed at http://www.upenn.edu/almanac/volumes/v57/n01/postdocpolicy.html
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