[lsst-dm-stack-users] image.getArray() question

Chris Walter chris.walter at duke.edu
Mon Feb 10 13:51:36 PST 2014

Dear Mario and Dustin,

> As Dustin replied, it's to be consistent with numpy. But it's not very
> satisfactory and it's likely it will lead to bugs...
> An optimal thing would be to allow the other convention by overloading
> __call__, e.g.:
>   img(x, y) = blah
> but Python syntax doesn't allow calls on the left hand side of an
> assignment, nor slices outside of [] (i.e., you wouldn't be able to
> write "blah = img(1:10, 5:10)" ).
> And if we reversed the convention, than all functions or utilities that
> expect a numpy array (many of them!), would require a transpose.

OK, thanks. I understand now.  Numpy wants row order for memory access and the convention is that the rows are y.   I've been poking around and I see that for example pyfits does the same thing. 

Unfortunately, as you say, it may lead to confusion (it did for me..).


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