[lsst-dm-stack-users] A test development version of Winter'14 stack

Michael Wood-Vasey wmwv at pitt.edu
Wed Feb 19 07:30:13 PST 2014

On Feb 19, 2014, at 0:02, Mario Juric <majuric at gmail.com> wrote:

> A better choice may have been --with-python=/usr/bin/python. We should
> change that warning to make it clear that using /usr/bin/python is
> strongly preferred.

Hmmm...  I understand this touches on the long-running discussion of different pythons, etc.

To explain more clearly I did this because I wanted to use the numpy and matplotlib already installed with Fink.  Otherwise I have to install Anaconda (easy enough, I hear; but I wanted to keep this simple).  The system Python numpy is 1.6 and matplotlib is 1.1 which are older than the requirements.  

Aside from the downsides of blowing away /sw and breaking eups, are there any other concerns with using the /sw Python?

Using Anaconda to provide numpy and matplotlib seem to also bear the same risk that if I (re)move the Anaconda installation things break as well.  suppose it will be just the LSST stack using python rather than eups.  But for many users who are just using eups to install the LSST stack this is somewhat the same.

 - Michael

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