[lsst-dm-stack-users] stack installation on

darko at aob.rs darko at aob.rs
Wed Jan 15 09:57:07 PST 2014

Dear Mario  et al.

Here are notes I made during the adventure of installing LSSTstack on
OpenSUSE 12.1 & 12.2 machines (unsupported machines). It is not the task for Linux beginners
who do not feel comfortable in an unix enviroment. There are basically three groups of
problems: first  is installation of python (ucs problem!; learning how to deal
with eups declarations etc.), other is dealing with multiple instances of
python and setting properly necessary variables. The third  set of problems is
connected with specifics of lib and lib64 directories. There are few instances
where newly compiled/installed libraries are not recognized as they sit in
xxx/lib64 and the compiler is looking for them in xxx/lib. My solution was to
link lib64  to lib so I probably missed few instances where the same error
might occur.

As OS was installed almost out of the box there was one significant
prerequisite missing - namelly patch.

Also, student of mine stumbled at the  problem with NCORES - he had the same OS
in a virtual machine where he badly defined memory/swap ratio. afw compilation
lasted for ever as machine run out of memory and was swapping endlesly -
some one should look at the issue (=how much memory per core is optimal for the
fast compilation...). Of course with NCORES=1 it was a bit slower but it was not
lost in swapping and he managed to finish... I suspect that it is the core of
very longcompilation - actually it is not compiling problem but swapping...

Finally, when running demo we got some differences  (438 of them) - all of
them in the column"classification.extendedness" (values 0.0 and 1.0) - our 
detected-sources.txt is in att.


p.s. strugling to bring OpenSUSE 13.1 home (about that in near future)

Notes to installation on openSUSE(12)

**** tcltk

fails - does not find tclConfig.sh

cp Linux64/external/tcltk/8.5.12+1/lib64/tclConfig.sh Linux64/external/tcltk/8.5.12+1/lib/
restart newinstall.sh

**** python 
fails because configure needs unicode ucs4 - does not finish python ez_setup.py


cd EupsBuildDir/Linux64/python-2.7.6+1/Python-2.7.6

make clean

./configure --prefix=/path_to_stack/Linux64/external/python/2.7.6+1 --enable-shared --enable-unicode=ucs4

make install
python ez_setup.py

(note that this is done with system python)
(if thereis no ez_setup you should curl it from sw.lsstcorp.org)

cd -

eups declare python 2.7.6+1 -r /scratch/darko/stack/Linux64/external/python/2.7.6+1/ -m none -t Summer2013

(if eups doesn't work do source eups/default/bin/setups.sh)

restart newinstall.sh

It finishes newinstall.sh (supposedly clean)

Now it's time to change your python to newly installed one

(one solution with pyenv is ln -sf /path/tostack/Linux64/external/python/x.y.z+1/ ~/.pyenv/versions/;
pyenv global x.y.z+1;

if not working you should add add appropriate paths to

source loadLSST.sh

Installing numpy before everything else and  in case that python is not
properly installed force it

eups distrib install --force -t Summer2013 numpy (be aware of ATLAS,LAPACK and
BLAS variables...)

and it should pass cleanly (btw it seems as you are running it from newly
installed python there is no need for ucs4 force...).

test your python/numpy installation - starting python you should get the
version just recompiled (time stamp few mins ago) - try inside python import
time & import numpy to be sure that python paths are correctly set (you might
need to add 
numpy path explicitly -  something like

now installation of the rest

eups distrib install -t Summer2013 lsst_distrib


tries to find nonexisting  $RRR/Linux64/external/mysqlclient/5.1.65+2/lib

should link:

cd Linux64/external/mysqlclient/5.1.65+2
ln -sf lib64 lib

restart eups!!

*** ndarray -

does not find libfftw3 
cd  Linux64/external/fftw/3.3.2+1/
ln -sf lib64 lib 
cd -
restart eups!!


afw (of course it crashes at one of the longest compilation)

it does not find -lMinuit2  -lgslcblas -lgsl -lcfitsio -lwcs


cd $homeroot/Linux64/external/minuit2/5.22.00+1/; ln -sf lib64 lib
cd $homeroot/Linux64/external/gsl/1.15+1/; ln -sf lib64 lib
cd $homeroot/Linux64/external/cfitsio/3310+1/; ln -sf lib64 lib
cd $homeroot/Linux64/external/wcslib/4.14+2/; ln -sf lib64 lib

cd $homeroot

ctrl_events - similar problem, again long compile

cd $homeroot/Linux64/external/activemqcpp/3.5.0+5; ln -sf lib64 lib

Rest of it is clean compile.

-------------- next part --------------
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