[lsst-dm-stack-users] Trying out the Anaconda python with a RHEL6 installation

Mario Juric mjuric at lsst.org
Thu Jan 30 11:52:15 PST 2014

On 1/30/14, 9:06 , Heather Kelly wrote:
> Hi,
> So I was following that post that mentioned this possibility of using
> the Anaconda distribution of python in conjunction with the DMstack.
> I'm doing another installation at BNL :)  and they want ipython as well.
>  This would be a RHEL6-64 install.  And for now, we're sticking with
> DMstack Winter2013.  However, I saw this bit about incompatibility
> between the Anaconda python compilation and the DM version on the Mac -
> I'm assuming that is strictly a Mac issue?  Just trying to determine the
> path of least resistance to achieve a fresh DM install and provide a
> customized python including additional modules that may not come along
> for the ride with a binary installation.

I can't guarantee that W'13 will build (try it!), but I have built S'13
with RHEL6+Anaconda 1.8.0.

For RHEL6, you'll want ensure Anaconda Python is in your path, then
follow the build-from-source instructions until just *before*:

	eups distrib install --nolocks -t Summer2013 lsst_distrib

and *before* you run that command, do:

	cat >> site/manifest.remap
	        python  system
	        numpy   system
	        scipy   system
	        matplotlib system

That should make the stack use the system python, instead trying to
build its own.

Let us know if it worked.

PS: I just typed this above, so watch out for typos!

Mario Juric,
Data Mgmt. Project Scientist, Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
Web : http://research.majuric.org     Phone : +1 617 744 9003

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