[LSST|dm-users 582] Re: pipe_tasks 10.0+1 build error

Will Dawson will at dawsonresearch.com
Fri Feb 13 12:51:38 PST 2015


Thank you for finding the fix. I upgraded my Canopy distribution of numpy 1.8.x to numpy 1.9.1 using pip. Then did a completely new install of the stack like you suggested and was able to install pipe_tasks 10.0+1 without a problem.

Thanks again,

> On Feb 13, 2015, at 10:49 AM, John Swinbank <swinbank at princeton.edu> wrote:
> Sorry, hit send too early, but I think the below fundamentally made my point. One thing to add is that I personally would recommend blowing away your current stack and starting again with a clean environment and a fresh copy of newinstall.sh and going straight in with a “eups distrib install lsst_distrib -t v10_0". The eups-ninjas will, no doubt, tell us that’s not necessary, but I think it’ll just make things simpler.
> Cheers,
> John
>> On 13 Feb 2015, at 10:46, John Swinbank <swinbank at princeton.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Will,
>> Thanks for following up with these details, and apologies that we’ve been slow to get back to you — most of the stack developers have spent the week at a meeting, so we’ve had less time to address these issues than usual.
>> The problem here is an incompatibility between version 10 of the stack and older versions of NumPy. I think there are two basic ways you could try to work around the problem:
>> - Upgrade the copy of NumPy you have installed on your system to a more recent version (I think 1.9.x will work), or 
>> - Allow the stack installed install Anaconda for you, which will provide an appropriate version of NumPy.
>>> On 11 Feb 2015, at 22:18, Will Dawson <will at dawsonresearch.com> wrote:
>>> Paul,
>>> Sorry for not being more explicit in my previous email. I was trying to get it out quickly before I left for my son’s basketball practice.
>>>> On Feb 11, 2015, at 4:54 PM, Paul Price <price at astro.princeton.edu> wrote:
>>>> On Feb 11, 2015, at 4:38 PM, Will Dawson wrote:
>>>>> Which looks very similar to DM-1984 that Paul noted. A rough version my a step-by-step guide to producing this error:
>>>>> 1) build version 9.2 of the stack -> result: success
>>>> Did you setup version 9.2 of the stack after building it?
>>> Yes, and I ran through the Testing the Installation process which produced results (although they did not match the expected results since the expected results were apparently produced with a version of the stack beyond 10.0).
>>>>> 2) run eups distrib install -t v10_0 lsst_apps -> result: reported error building pipe_tasks-10.0+1
>>>>> 3) delete previous eups code builds form 9.2
>>>> What do you mean by "delete previous eups code builds", specifically?
>>> I simply rm ‘d the folders and their files in the $INSTALL_DIR/DarwinX86 folder. Clearly I am new to eups. It became obvious that this was not the correct thing to do when I later ran eups distrib and it complained that it could not find various program versions despite being seen in the environment.
>>>>> 5) run eups distrib install -t v10_0 lsst_apps -> result: reported error building pipe_tasks-10.0+1
>>>> How do you run "eups distrib" without EUPS_PATH and EUPS_PKGROOT set?
>>> Sorry I left off the step where I sourced loadLSST.bash before running eups disturb. 
>>>> Can you install pipe_tasks 10.0+1 from a clean environment?
>>> I get the same error when I ran eups distrib install pipe_tasks 10.0+1 from a clean environment.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Will
>>>> P.

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