[LSST|dm-users 617] Error when Running Chris Walter's: Introduction to the DM AFW packages ipython notebook

Will Dawson will at dawsonresearch.com
Thu May 7 11:52:26 PDT 2015

I encountered an error when running Chris Walter’s Introduction to the DM AFW packages <http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/DarkEnergyScienceCollaboration/DataManagementWorkbook/blob/master/Basic%20DM%20AFW%20Introduction.ipynb> ipython notebook. In the second to last step when I run the command:

# Apply the measurement routines to the exposure using the sources as input
measure.run(exposure, sources)

I get the following error:

NotFoundError                             Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-19-77c6eca8bda0> in <module>()
     17 # Apply the measurement routines to the exposure using the sources as input
---> 18 measure.run(exposure, sources)
     20 # Now let's look at the output from some of the measurment algorithms.

/Users/dawson/lsst/DarwinX86/pipe_base/10.0+2/python/lsst/pipe/base/timer.pyc in wrapper(self, *args, **keyArgs)
    116         logInfo(obj = self, prefix = func.__name__ + "Start")
    117         try:
--> 118             res = func(self, *args, **keyArgs)
    119         finally:
    120             logInfo(obj = self, prefix = func.__name__ + "End")

/Users/dawson/lsst/DarwinX86/meas_algorithms/10.0+2/python/lsst/meas/algorithms/measurement.pyc in measure(self, exposure, sources, noiseImage, noiseMeanVar, references, refWcs)
    423         self.log.info("Measuring %d sources" % len(sources))
--> 424         self.config.slots.setupTable(sources.table, prefix=self.config.prefix)
    426         self.preMeasureHook(exposure, sources)

/Users/dawson/lsst/DarwinX86/meas_algorithms/10.0+2/python/lsst/meas/algorithms/measurement.pyc in setupTable(self, table, prefix)
     57         if self.centroid is not None: table.defineCentroid(prefix + self.centroid)
     58         if self.shape is not None: table.defineShape(prefix + self.shape)
---> 59         if self.apFlux is not None: table.defineApFlux(prefix + self.apFlux)
     60         if self.modelFlux is not None: table.defineModelFlux(prefix + self.modelFlux)
     61         if self.psfFlux is not None: table.definePsfFlux(prefix + self.psfFlux)

/Users/dawson/lsst/DarwinX86/afw/10.0+3/python/lsst/afw/table/tableLib.pyc in defineApFlux(self, *args)
   9869     def defineApFlux(self, *args):
   9870         """defineApFlux(SourceTable self, std::string const & name)"""
-> 9871         return _tableLib.SourceTable_defineApFlux(self, *args)
   9873     def getApFluxDefinition(self):

  File "src/table/Schema.cc", line 239, in SchemaItem<T> lsst::afw::table::detail::SchemaImpl::find(const std::string &) const [T = double]
    Field or subfield withname 'flux.sinc_flux' not found with type 'D'. {0}
lsst::pex::exceptions::NotFoundError: 'Field or subfield withname 'flux.sinc_flux' not found with type 'D'.'

Perhaps this is related to the fact that the notebook was written in 2013 and I am using v10.0 of the stack. As I am new to the stack, and given the surprisingly complex error message for such a seemingly simple command, I am hoping that the experts can shed some light on the matter.

Will Dawson

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