mailing lists - Admin Links |
Welcome! Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list. General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page. (Send questions and comments to |
List | Description |
AHM-Suggestions | [no description available] |
All-CAMs | Union of all CAMS |
Asteroid-day | [no description available] |
backup-mt-git | Used to commit MT low-level controller config files to git |
BFComm | Base facility construction communications team |
Calibration-Team | Calibration Team Project Group |
camera-tech-mtg | Camera technical meetings announcement list |
CEC | [no description available] |
CEC-F2F-SOC | [no description available] |
CEC-Follow-Up | [no description available] |
CEC-IDACS | [no description available] |
CEC-SW | [no description available] |
Chile-IT-Hiring | Chile IT Hiring |
CL-Hires | [no description available] |
COM-CAMS | Commissioning CAM's |
Communications-Team | Communications Team |
Community | [no description available] |
data-access-dev | Data access, image cutout services, metadata |
DM-Admin | service account to enable deployment of DM services |
dm-announce | DM software announcements |
dm-astrometry | A list for discussion about astrometry issues |
DM-CAMS | Data Management CAM's |
dm-devel | DM software development |
dm-sst | DM System Science Team |
DM-TCT | DM Technical Control Team |
dm-users | Community support for DM users |
Ea-users | EA Users |
EPO-CAMS | Education and Public Outreach CAM's |
Epo-feedback | [no description available] |
EPO-Team | LSST EPO Team |
Fellows | [no description available] |
G6-leads | The Rubin SIT-Com "Gang Of 6" leads |
IAM | AdHoc Discuss identity management, authorization, and authentication technology and implementation within LSST |
In-kind-team | AdHoc - Operations-based in-kind-team collaborator leads |
Inkind-contribution-leads | AdHoc - |
Inkind-contributors | AdHoc - |
Inkind-program-managers | AdHoc - |
Inkind-recipients | AdHoc - |
Issc-chairs | [no description available] |
issc-charter-committee | [no description available] |
Issc-membership | [no description available] |
JCC | Joint Coordinating Committee CCIN2P3 LSST NCSA |
LINCC | LSST Interdiciplinary Network For Collaboration and Computing |
Lincc-frameworks-team | The internal team list for the LINCC Frameworks Team |
LSST-agn | Project Controlled LSST AGN |
LSST-Algorithms-Workshop | Adhoc |
LSST-Builders | Project Controlled List of Builders |
LSST-Calibration | LSST System Calibrations. |
LSST-ChangeControlBoard | Project Controlled LSST-ChangeControlBoard |
LSST-Commissioning | Adhoc - Commissioning Team |
Lsst-constrpapers | [no description available] |
LSST-datascience | Project Controlled LSST-DataScience |
LSST-DAWG | AdHoc Differential Astrometry Working Group |
LSST-DMLT | Project Controlled DM Leadership Team |
LSST-Enabling-Science | AdHoc LSST-Enabling-Science |
LSST-End-to-End | AdHoc LSST-End-to-End |
LSST-eNews | Distribution List for eNews |
LSST-galaxies | Project Controlled LSST Galaxies |
LSST-galaxy-clusters | AdHoc the mailing list for the galaxy clusters working group |
LSST-ImSim | AdHoc LSST-ImSim |
LSST-ISSC-Ambassadors | LSST ISSC Ambassadors |
LSST-LOPT | LSST Operations Proposal Team |
LSST-Managers | Monday Management Meeting Attendees (project controlled) |
LSST-milkyway | AdHoc LSST Milkyway |
LSST-MilkyWay-Bulge | AdHoc Galactic bulge |
LSST-MilkyWay-etc | Project Controlled LSST-MilkyWay-etc |
LSST-MilkyWay-Low | AdHoc Low-mass stars and the Solar Neighborhood |
LSST-MilkyWay-MC | AdHoc LSST-MilkyWay-MC |
LSST-MilkyWay-NFC | AdHoc Near field cosmology |
LSST-MilkyWay-SC | AdHoc Star clusters |
LSST-MilkyWay-Struct | LSST Galactic Structure and ISM Science Working Group |
LSST-MilkyWay-Var | AdHoc Variable stars |
LSST-Net | List for LSST Network Engineering Team (NET) |
LSST-Opsim-Dev | AdHoc LSST-Opsim-Dev |
LSST-Publication-Signup | Temp Solution for Publication Sign-off |
LSST-SAC | Project Controlled Science Advisory Committee |
LSST-Science-Verification-Validation | Adhoc |
LSST-science-working-group | Project Controlled LSST-Science-Working-Group |
LSST-SCOC | [no description available] |
LSST-SMAWG | AdHoc Streak Mitigation and Avoidance Working Group |
LSST-solarsystem | Project Controlled Solar system science collaboration |
LSST-stellarpops | Project Controlled LSST Stellarpops |
LSST-stronglens | Project Controlled LSST Strong Lensing Science Collaboration |
LSST-supernovae | Project Controlled LSST Supernovae |
LSST-Survey-Strategy | Reach the LSST Survey Strategy personnel. |
LSST-Systems-Engineering | Project Controlled Systems Engineering Group |
LSST-transient | Project Controlled LSST Transient |
LSST-was | AdHoc LSST Wavefront and Alignment System |
LSST-World | Project Controlled Auto-enrollment |
LSST-zphot | AdHoc Photometric redshift working group |
LSST2017-oc | [no description available] |
LSST2018-attendees | [no description available] |
LSST2018-OC | LSST2018 Organizing Committee |
LSST2019-Attendees | Adhoc All Attending the LSST2019 Workshop |
LSST2019-OC | LSST2019 Organizing Committee |
Lsstanrfp | [no description available] |
Observers | The list of Observing Specialists and managers/folks who work closely with them. |
Ops-Data-Facilities | Ops Data Facility Workshop |
Opsim-Prod | List for automatic status notification process for the opsim simulation runs. |
PO-CAMS | Project Office CAM's |
Project | Project Controlled Auto-enrollment Everyone working on LSST project |
Project-Adjunct | Project-Controlled Project Adjuncts |
Project2016 | Project Staff Attending LSST2016 |
ProjectandSciColl | Project Controlled Auto-enrollment |
PubBoard | Project Controlled LSST Publication Board |
Risk-review-board | Rish Review Board |
RSP-registration | [no description available] |
Rubin-com-sci | Rubin Commissioning Scientists |
Rubin-data-academy-2024 | [no description available] |
Rubin-DP0-VSS-2023 | DP0 Virtual Summer School 2023 |
Rubin-Night-Log | Rubin Night Log |
Rubin-RCTF | Rubin Rolling Cadence Task Force |
Rubin-safety | [no description available] |
Rubin2020-attendees | Adhoc All Attending the LSST2020 Workshop |
Rubin2021-attendees | [no description available] |
Rubin2022-Attendees | [no description available] |
Rubin2022-covid | [no description available] |
Rubin2023-attendees | List for attendees of Rubin 2023. |
Rubin2023-Helpline | List for making help requests at Rubin 2023. |
Rubin2024-Attendees | Rubin2024-Attendees |
Rubin2024-covid | [no description available] |
Rubin2024-Virtual | Rubin2024-Virtual |
RubinObs-AMCR | Project Controlled AMCR (AURA Mgt Council) |
RubinObs-AOSCommissioning | [no description available] |
RubinObs-CommunityEngagement | List of the Rubin Obs SP-CET members. |
RubinObs-Digest | Digest subscribers, project + self-subscribers |
RubinObs-Exec | RubinObs Exec |
Rubinobs-LHN-Notifications | Rubin Observatory LHN Notifications |
RubinObs-OpsStaff | Project Controlled RubinObs-OpsStaff |
RubinObs-Paritario | Rubin Joint Committee on Hygiene and Safety |
Rubinobs-sitcom-inkind | [no description available] |
RubinObs-Staff-LAS | Project Controlled LAS Staff |
RubinObs-Staff-Tucson | Project Controlled Tucson Staff |
RubinObs-SystemPerformance | A mail list of Rubin Obs SP team members. |
RubinObs-Users-Committee | Contact the Rubin Users Committee. |
SciColl | Project Controlled Auto-enrollment Everyone who is a member of a science collaboration |
Science | LSST Science Announcements |
SE-CAMS | Systems Engineering CAM's |
Security | Security Related Discussions |
solsys-commissioning | [no description available] |
SSSC-Activity | Adhoc SSSC-Activity |
SSSC-Chairs | Adhoc SSSC-Chairs |
SSSC-Deep | SSSC Deep Drilling Field Working Group |
sssc-in-kind | Adhoc lsst listserv for the Solar System Science Collaboration. |
SSSC-innerss | Adhoc SSSC-Innerss |
SSSC-NEOs | Adhoc SSSC-Neos |
SSSC-NES | SSSC Cadence Note Working Group |
SSSC-outerss | Working Group SSSC-Outerss |
SSSC-Software | SSSC Software Working Group |
sssc-sprint | [no description available] |
sssc-technosignatures | [no description available] |
SSSC-Twilight | SSSC Twilight Working Group |
Telescope-and-Site | Project Controlled Telescope and Site Team |
TS-CAMS | Telescope & Site CAM's |
TSS-ProductOwners | Adhoc |
Weekly-Integration-Meeting | [no description available] |
Z-Test | Test List |
Z-Test-Rubin-Love | z-test-rubin-love |
version 2.1.15 |