Mailing Lists |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact |
List | Description |
AHM-Suggestions | [no description available] |
All-CAMs | Union of all CAMS |
Asteroid-day | [no description available] |
BFComm | Base facility construction communications team |
Calibration-Team | Calibration Team Project Group |
camera-tech-mtg | Camera technical meetings announcement list |
CEC | [no description available] |
CEC-F2F-SOC | [no description available] |
CEC-Follow-Up | [no description available] |
CEC-IDACS | [no description available] |
CEC-SW | [no description available] |
Chile-IT-Hiring | Chile IT Hiring |
CL-Hires | [no description available] |
COM-CAMS | Commissioning CAM's |
Communications-Team | Communications Team |
Community | [no description available] |
data-access-dev | Data access, image cutout services, metadata |
DM-Admin | service account to enable deployment of DM services |
dm-announce | DM software announcements |
dm-astrometry | A list for discussion about astrometry issues |
DM-CAMS | Data Management CAM's |
dm-devel | DM software development |
dm-sst | DM System Science Team |
DM-TCT | DM Technical Control Team |
dm-users | Community support for DM users |
Ea-users | EA Users |
EPO-CAMS | Education and Public Outreach CAM's |
Epo-feedback | [no description available] |
EPO-Team | LSST EPO Team |
Fellows | [no description available] |
G6-leads | The Rubin SIT-Com "Gang Of 6" leads |
IAM | AdHoc Discuss identity management, authorization, and authentication technology and implementation within LSST |
In-kind-team | AdHoc - Operations-based in-kind-team collaborator leads |
Inkind-contribution-leads | Mailing List for In-kind Contribution Leads |
Inkind-contributors | AdHoc - |
Inkind-program-managers | Mailing List for In-kind Program Managers |
Inkind-recipients | AdHoc - |
Issc-chairs | [no description available] |
issc-charter-committee | [no description available] |
Issc-membership | [no description available] |
JCC | Joint Coordinating Committee CCIN2P3 LSST NCSA |
LINCC | LSST Interdiciplinary Network For Collaboration and Computing |
Lincc-frameworks-team | The internal team list for the LINCC Frameworks Team |
LSST-agn | Project Controlled LSST AGN |
LSST-Algorithms-Workshop | Adhoc |
LSST-Builders | Project Controlled List of Builders |
LSST-Calibration | LSST System Calibrations. |
LSST-ChangeControlBoard | Project Controlled LSST-ChangeControlBoard |
LSST-Commissioning | Adhoc - Commissioning Team |
Lsst-constrpapers | [no description available] |
LSST-datascience | Project Controlled LSST-DataScience |
LSST-DAWG | AdHoc Differential Astrometry Working Group |
LSST-DMLT | Project Controlled DM Leadership Team |
LSST-Enabling-Science | AdHoc LSST-Enabling-Science |
LSST-End-to-End | AdHoc LSST-End-to-End |
LSST-eNews | Distribution List for eNews |
LSST-galaxies | Project Controlled LSST Galaxies |
LSST-galaxy-clusters | AdHoc the mailing list for the galaxy clusters working group |
LSST-ImSim | AdHoc LSST-ImSim |
LSST-ISSC-Ambassadors | LSST ISSC Ambassadors |
LSST-LOPT | LSST Operations Proposal Team |
LSST-Managers | Monday Management Meeting Attendees (project controlled) |
LSST-milkyway | AdHoc LSST Milkyway |
LSST-MilkyWay-Bulge | AdHoc Galactic bulge |
LSST-MilkyWay-etc | Project Controlled LSST-MilkyWay-etc |
LSST-MilkyWay-Low | AdHoc Low-mass stars and the Solar Neighborhood |
LSST-MilkyWay-MC | AdHoc LSST-MilkyWay-MC |
LSST-MilkyWay-NFC | AdHoc Near field cosmology |
LSST-MilkyWay-SC | AdHoc Star clusters |
LSST-MilkyWay-Struct | LSST Galactic Structure and ISM Science Working Group |
LSST-MilkyWay-Var | AdHoc Variable stars |
LSST-Net | List for LSST Network Engineering Team (NET) |
LSST-Opsim-Dev | AdHoc LSST-Opsim-Dev |
LSST-Publication-Signup | Temp Solution for Publication Sign-off |
LSST-SAC | Project Controlled Science Advisory Committee |
LSST-Science-Verification-Validation | Adhoc |
LSST-science-working-group | Project Controlled LSST-Science-Working-Group |
LSST-SCOC | [no description available] |
LSST-SMAWG | AdHoc Streak Mitigation and Avoidance Working Group |
LSST-solarsystem | Project Controlled Solar system science collaboration |
LSST-stellarpops | Project Controlled LSST Stellarpops |
LSST-stronglens | Project Controlled LSST Strong Lensing Science Collaboration |
LSST-supernovae | Project Controlled LSST Supernovae |
LSST-Survey-Strategy | Reach the LSST Survey Strategy personnel. |
LSST-Systems-Engineering | Project Controlled Systems Engineering Group |
LSST-transient | Project Controlled LSST Transient |
LSST-was | AdHoc LSST Wavefront and Alignment System |
LSST-World | Project Controlled Auto-enrollment |
LSST-zphot | AdHoc Photometric redshift working group |
LSST2017-oc | [no description available] |
LSST2018-attendees | [no description available] |
LSST2018-OC | LSST2018 Organizing Committee |
LSST2019-Attendees | Adhoc All Attending the LSST2019 Workshop |
LSST2019-OC | LSST2019 Organizing Committee |
Lsstanrfp | [no description available] |
Observers | The list of Observing Specialists and managers/folks who work closely with them. |
Ops-Data-Facilities | Ops Data Facility Workshop |
Opsim-Prod | List for automatic status notification process for the opsim simulation runs. |
PO-CAMS | Project Office CAM's |
Project | Project Controlled Auto-enrollment Everyone working on LSST project |
Project-Adjunct | Project-Controlled Project Adjuncts |
Project2016 | Project Staff Attending LSST2016 |
ProjectandSciColl | Project Controlled Auto-enrollment |
PubBoard | Project Controlled LSST Publication Board |
Risk-review-board | Rish Review Board |
RSP-registration | [no description available] |
Rubin-com-sci | Rubin Commissioning Scientists |
Rubin-data-academy-2024 | [no description available] |
Rubin-DP0-VSS-2023 | DP0 Virtual Summer School 2023 |
Rubin-Night-Log | Rubin Night Log |
Rubin-RCTF | Rubin Rolling Cadence Task Force |
Rubin-safety | [no description available] |
Rubin2020-attendees | Adhoc All Attending the LSST2020 Workshop |
Rubin2021-attendees | [no description available] |
Rubin2022-Attendees | [no description available] |
Rubin2022-covid | [no description available] |
Rubin2023-attendees | List for attendees of Rubin 2023. |
Rubin2023-Helpline | List for making help requests at Rubin 2023. |
Rubin2024-Attendees | Rubin2024-Attendees |
Rubin2024-covid | [no description available] |
Rubin2024-Virtual | Rubin2024-Virtual |
Rubin2025-attendees | [no description available] |
Rubin2025-virtual | [no description available] |
RubinObs-AMCR | Project Controlled AMCR (AURA Mgt Council) |
RubinObs-AOSCommissioning | [no description available] |
RubinObs-CommunityEngagement | List of the Rubin Obs SP-CET members. |
RubinObs-Digest | Digest subscribers, project + self-subscribers |
RubinObs-Exec | RubinObs Exec |
Rubinobs-LHN-Notifications | Rubin Observatory LHN Notifications |
RubinObs-OpsStaff | Project Controlled RubinObs-OpsStaff |
RubinObs-Paritario | Rubin Joint Committee on Hygiene and Safety |
Rubinobs-sitcom-inkind | [no description available] |
RubinObs-Staff-LAS | Project Controlled LAS Staff |
RubinObs-Staff-Tucson | Project Controlled Tucson Staff |
RubinObs-SystemPerformance | A mail list of Rubin Obs SP team members. |
RubinObs-Users-Committee | Contact the Rubin Users Committee. |
SciColl | Project Controlled Auto-enrollment Everyone who is a member of a science collaboration |
Science | LSST Science Announcements |
SE-CAMS | Systems Engineering CAM's |
Security | Security Related Discussions |
solsys-commissioning | [no description available] |
SSSC-Activity | Adhoc SSSC-Activity |
SSSC-Chairs | Adhoc SSSC-Chairs |
SSSC-Deep | SSSC Deep Drilling Field Working Group |
sssc-in-kind | Adhoc lsst listserv for the Solar System Science Collaboration. |
SSSC-innerss | Adhoc SSSC-Innerss |
SSSC-NEOs | Adhoc SSSC-Neos |
SSSC-NES | SSSC Cadence Note Working Group |
SSSC-outerss | Working Group SSSC-Outerss |
SSSC-Software | SSSC Software Working Group |
sssc-sprint | [no description available] |
sssc-technosignatures | [no description available] |
SSSC-Twilight | SSSC Twilight Working Group |
Telescope-and-Site | Project Controlled Telescope and Site Team |
TS-CAMS | Telescope & Site CAM's |
TSS-ProductOwners | Adhoc |
Weekly-Integration-Meeting | [no description available] |
Z-Test | Test List |
Z-Test-Rubin-Love | z-test-rubin-love |
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