[LSST|dm-astrometry #7] update on the development of a simultaneous astrometry package

Pierre Astier pierre.astier at in2p3.fr
Tue May 19 09:32:03 PDT 2015


    Since our first phone conference about the development of a simultaneous
  astrometry package, I have coded a fit and ran a couple of tests on 
sets from the CFHTLS and Suprime cam. I have described the work and the 
results in a few slides that you can find at:

    I am mostly wondering whether this is enough to start discussing
how we practically implement the algorithms into the stack.


Pierre Astier , LPNHE, 12-22 1er étage.
4 place Jussieu, F 75252 Paris Cedex 05
tel (33) 1 44 27 76 47  ---- fax (33) 1 44 27 46 38

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