[lsst-dm-stack-users] Stumbling while Running

Dave Monet dgm at nofs.navy.mil
Mon Dec 2 05:02:50 PST 2013

Many thanks for the clues.  Sorry that I am so decoupled
from the LSST process that I forgot that this week was FDR.
I sure hope that the Project finds a way to pass news and/or
results from FDR to the wider community.

So let me wake up a concept that I inquired about the last
time I played with the Stack and for which the answer was
"wait a bit".

    Is there a script (or whatever you call it) that does the
    equivalent of feeding some random FITS image to
    By this I mean getting something like the SExtractor output
    file of (column, row, flux, RA, Dec, various errors, and
    maybe a few image shape values).  It would be OK with me
    to do the flattening in some other thread that knows more
    about my particular telescope and camera than the Stack.

Best of luck to the A Team doing FDR, but too bad we have to
deal with the B Team in Congress.


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