[lsst-dm-stack-users] adding a new module to the DMstack installed python

Mario Juric mjuric at lsst.org
Tue Nov 26 12:13:16 PST 2013

On 11/26/13 12:33 , Paul Price wrote:
> 3. Use "easy_install" or "pip" or "setup.py" to install module into
> some other dir on your PYTHONPATH.  Then it's always available no
> matter what python you're using, but you may have trouble if your
> system python and eups python aren't the same minor version (e.g., 2.6
> vs 2.7).
> 4. Manage the module as an eups package.  Install it into the proper
> place in the eups tree and give it a eups table file.  This allows
> versioning (unlike any of the above methods, unless you're using
> virtualenv or similar), and access for multiple people.

My guess is that option #3 is the least difficult, and option #4 is
long-term optimal. For #3, just make sure you don't install by accident
into Python's system modules directory (install someplace else, and add

PS: Note you can't use system python on RHEL's -- it's too old. RHEL is
the only distro right now where building our own Python is still
necessary (the stack requires 2.7, RHEL6 ships with 2.6).

Mario Juric,
Data Mgmt. Project Scientist, Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
Web   :  http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~mjuric/
Phone :  +1 617 744 9003       PGP: ~mjuric/crypto/public.key

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