[lsst-dm-stack-users] ANN: Summer 2013 Code Release

Mario Juric mjuric at lsst.org
Wed Nov 27 12:52:59 PST 2013

Dear everyone,
	We just finished packaging the source and building the binaries for the
Summer 2013 software release, code named "Terrified Turkey" (just
kidding). Before I begin, a short disclaimer:

  As with anything we drop on you while in R&D, there are no warranties
  of any kind. It's always possible this code will make grown men cry,
  eat your puppy, or (worse) break functionality that previously worked.
  If you have an already functioning installation, we recommend backing
  it up before upgrading (e.g., by tarballing the existing $LSST_HOME

With that out of the way, the install instructions can be found at:


If you have an existing binary install, you should be able to upgrade with:

	setup lsst_distrib_tool
	lsst-distrib update

We provide binaries for RHEL6, RHEL5, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, OS X 10.7 and
10.8 (10.9 is not supported at this time).

This development cycle largely focused on R&D related to multifit and
bugfixes to base libraries and coaddition code. As multifit has yet to
be "productized" (it's still on its own branch), do not expect much new
high-level user-visible functionality compared to the previous release.

The full list of bugs fixed and new features added can be found at:


, including:

  * scipy won't segfault any more when used with LSST modules

  * better compatibility with a wider range of FITS headers

  * Upgrades to Python 2.7.6, numpy 1.8.0, matplotlib 1.2.1,
    scipy 0.13.0, and many others (for those who
    use LSST-provided builds of these tools).

Thanks to the entire team for putting this release together, and to
Russell Owen for the heroic work of packaging and building the distribution.

If you find any problems, please let us know either through this list or
(preferably) using HSC's Askbot forum at:


Mario Juric,
Data Mgmt. Project Scientist, Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
Web   :  http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~mjuric/
Phone :  +1 617 744 9003       PGP: ~mjuric/crypto/public.key

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