[lsst-dm-stack-users] MAF install: Mac success, linux failure

Kian-Tat Lim ktl at slac.stanford.edu
Thu Aug 7 23:20:44 PDT 2014

> ...but as Paul said, you'll likely run into more downstream problems if
> you're building on a 32-bit system.  We don't really support that, though
> K-T is the expert on that.

	Ha!  I've successfully built lsst_distrib v9_1 on 32-bit, but
that's apparently because eups distrib install is ignoring test failures
(or not running tests at all?), including the ones mentioned in DM-286.
v8_0, as I recall, required at least a couple of patches before I gave

Kian-Tat Lim, LSST Data Management, ktl at slac.stanford.edu

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