[lsst-dm-stack-users] Problems with stack master branch

Paul Price price at astro.princeton.edu
Wed Aug 13 12:55:33 PDT 2014

Having just installed the v9_2 stack, I've hit this problem myself.  I believe the problem is due to afw (and all other LSST C++ code) being compiled without optimisation because of a bug in eupspkg which is triggered by an existing SCONSFLAGS environment variable that doesn't activate optimisation (e.g., no "opt=3").

Specifically, eupspkg contains the line:

export SCONSFLAGS=${SCONSFLAGS:-"opt=3"}        # Default scons flags

My SCONSFLAGS is already set (to "-j 2 cc=clang", as I believe we recommend, or used to recommend, for Mac builds).  So the result of this line is that SCONSFLAGS is unchanged, which means optimisation isn't activated for the build.  An expression that always activates optimisation (which is what one wants for a production build) would be something like:

export SCONSFLAGS+=" opt=3"

I think this is serious enough that it needs to be fixed through a new release.


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