[lsst-dm-stack-users] A test development version of Winter'14 stack

Mario Juric mjuric at lsst.org
Tue Feb 18 20:56:42 PST 2014

On 2/18/14, 18:49 , Chris Walter wrote:
> Hi Mario,
> It looks interesting; I will try it on my Mac.  I'm curious though:
>> # If you don't have python >= 2.7 with numpy >= 1.5.1 and
>> # matplotlib >=1.2.0, use Anaconda python distribution by installing
>> # it manually, or use the LSST-packaged one.
>> eups distrib install anaconda
>> setup anaconda
> What does this actually do?  Will people have a "conda" based system
> installed or are you stripping continium's packaging system and
> installing the binaries and libraries which will then be managed via
> eups?

Hi Chris,
	It will install a complete distribution of anaconda as an EUPS-managed
package. Roughly, it will:

  * Download the installer from Continuum's website
  * Run it in batch mode to install Anaconda in
  * Create a .table file that EUPS reads when 'setup anaconda' is run,
    to add anaconda's .../bin path to $PATH.

It's just a way to make it super-easy to get a compatible Python+libs.

> Also, could I request we get ds9 as an external package we install this way?

Robert may already have it (Robert, do you?). Otherwise, I'll add it to
my (warning: very long!) TODO list.

What would be even better is if you or someone else created it, and we
added it to a common 'contrib' repository for everyone to use. It would
then regularly get built/tested with the rest of LSST code, receive bug
reports, etc.

To get a feel for what it takes (and hopefully become convinced it's not
very hard), I'd suggest to look at 'ups/eupspkg.sh' scripts in packages
rooted at:


E.g., for Anaconda, the script is very simple:


(though a bit unusual, since the binary is fetched from Continuum's
website and not built from source contained within the repo). Scripts of
other packages are even simpler (some don't even have them, if the
defaults are OK.).

For a full description of EupsPkg packaging, see the doc string of:


. We'll ultimately use this to automatically build and distribute
binaries, as well as build distribution-native packages (RPMs, .deb, etc.).

PS: As no good deed will go unpunished, we're quite happy to give
contributed package maintainers git access as well :).

Mario Juric,
Data Mgmt. Project Scientist, Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
Web : http://research.majuric.org     Phone : +1 617 744 9003

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