[lsst-dm-stack-users] Error in pex_config unit tests while building the stack from master branch

Dominique Boutigny boutigny at in2p3.fr
Mon Jul 14 12:19:16 PDT 2014


I get an error in the the pex_config unit tests when I build the stack 
from the current master branch.
I run on SL-6, the hash is :  pex_config: master-g310e890736+54df83c7c0d 
and the error is the following :

  cat build/pex_config/tests/.tests/wrap.py.failed

ERROR: testDefaults (__main__.NestedWrapTest)
Test that C++ Control object defaults are correctly used as defaults for 
Config objects.
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "tests/wrap.py", line 89, in testDefaults
     self.assert_(testLib.checkNestedControl(control, config.a.p, 
config.a.q, config.b))
"/nfs/slac/g/ki/ki19/boutigny/stack_4/build/pex_config/tests/testLib.py", line 
987, in checkNestedControl
     return _testLib.checkNestedControl(*args)
TypeError: in method 'checkNestedControl', argument 2 of type 'double'

ERROR: testInt64 (__main__.NestedWrapTest)
Test that we can wrap C++ Control objects with int64 members.
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "tests/wrap.py", line 95, in testInt64
     self.assert_(testLib.checkNestedControl(control, config.a.p, 
config.a.q, config.b))
"/nfs/slac/g/ki/ki19/boutigny/stack_4/build/pex_config/tests/testLib.py", line 
987, in checkNestedControl
     return _testLib.checkNestedControl(*args)
TypeError: in method 'checkNestedControl', argument 2 of type 'double'

ERROR: testReadControl (__main__.NestedWrapTest)
Test reading the values from a C++ Control object into a Config object.
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "tests/wrap.py", line 82, in testReadControl
line 212, in readControl
     __at=__at, __label=__label, __reset=__reset)
line 217, in readControl
     self.update(__at=__at, __label=__label, **values)
line 515, in update
     field.__set__(self, value, at=at, label=label)
line 310, in __set__
     raise FieldValidationError(self, instance, e.message)
FieldValidationError: Field 'a.q' failed validation: Value 4 is of 
incorrect type long. Expected type int
For more information read the Field definition at:
line 184, in makeConfigClass
     fields[k] = FieldCls(doc=doc, dtype=dtype, optional=True)
And the Config definition at:
line 131, in makeConfigClass
     cls = type(name, (base,), {"__doc__":doc})

Ran 8 tests in 1.207s

FAILED (errors=3)


Dominique Boutigny  -  CNRS / CC-IN2P3
Now at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Kavli Building - Room 221
Mail     : boutigny at in2p3.fr -  boutigny at slac.stanford.edu
Office   : +1 650-926-5759   -  Cellular : +1 774-232-0912

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