[lsst-dm-stack-users] geom package dependencies

Kian-Tat Lim ktl at slac.stanford.edu
Mon Jun 2 09:47:28 PDT 2014

Fabrice wrote:
> > Otherwise, could you explain me the meaning of "import lsstimport" in python/lsst/_init_.py ? (It seems lsstimport is related to SWIG, and geom doesn't build SWIG modules. So is this import usefull for geom )

Paul replied:
> I believe it's only required for SWIG-ed packages, so it's probably vestigial or cargo-culting, and can be removed.  Please try it and check.

	At one point, if I recall correctly, lsstimport was doing what
pkgutil.extend_path() is now doing, so it was necessary everywhere.  I
do think it's only required for SWIG packages now.  If this is correct,
we can put a comment in the devenv_templates package to that effect.

	The other thing that the base package provides is RHL's
lsstDebug module.  Perhaps that could be moved elsewhere.

Kian-Tat Lim, LSST Data Management, ktl at slac.stanford.edu

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