[lsst-dm-stack-users] Problems with "Processing a Single Image File"

Tim Jenness tjenness at cornell.edu
Fri Jun 13 12:30:40 PDT 2014

I'm working through the tutorials and have a couple of comments and one problem.

On https://confluence.lsstcorp.org/display/LSWUG/Processing+a+Single+Image+File ::

1. $OBSFILE_BIN/processFile.py -h

does generate the help text but it shouldn't really complete with an error should it? ($? == 1 after it runs).

* To specify multiple values for an option, do not use = after the option name:
    * wrong: --configfile=foo bar
    * right: --configfile foo bar
processFile.py: error: Must specify input as first argument

If you are asking for the help then you aren't interested in specifying an input file. The corollary of this seems to also be that --help doesn't seem to take priority over other arguments.

2. The example refers to fpC-004192-r4-0300.fits but in the demo tar ball the file is actually fpC-004192-r4-0300.fit[.gz]
    Not sure if this is too minor a documentation issue to complain about the inconsistency but thought I would note it.

3. Running the example command it doesn't work for me:

$ ls -l fpC-004192-r4-0300.fits
-rw-r--r--  1 timj  staff  6108480 Jun 13 12:11 fpC-004192-r4-0300.fits

$ $OBSFILE_BIN/processFile.py fpC-004192-r4-0300.fits --output output --clobber-config -c gain=2 doVariance=True
: Loading config overrride file '/Users/timj/work/lsstsoft/obs_file/config/processFile.py'
: Loading config overrride file '/Users/timj/work/lsstsoft/obs_file/config/processFile.py'
: input=/Users/timj/work/lsstsoft/testing
: output=/Users/timj/work/lsstsoft/testing/output
CameraMapper WARNING: Unable to locate registry registry in root: /Users/timj/work/lsstsoft/testing/output/registry.sqlite3
CameraMapper WARNING: Unable to locate registry registry in current dir: ./registry.sqlite3
CameraMapper WARNING: No registry loaded; proceeding without one
processFile: Processing {'calexp': 'fpC-004192-r4-0300'}
processFile: Setting variance: noise=1 ADU
processFile: Setting variance: gain=2 e/ADU
processFile FATAL: Failed on dataId={'calexp': 'fpC-004192-r4-0300'}: 'module' object has no attribute 'Id'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/timj/work/lsst/DarwinX86/pipe_base/", line 220, in __call__
    result = task.run(dataRef, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/timj/work/lsst/DarwinX86/pipe_base/", line 111, in wrapper
    res = func(self, *args, **keyArgs)
  File "/Users/timj/work/lsstsoft/obs_file/python/lsst/obs/file/processFile.py", line 130, in run
    det = afwCameraGeom.Detector(afwCameraGeom.Id(0))
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Id'

I reran the earlier demo and that did work okay.

Tim Jenness

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