[LSST|dm-users 622] Re: Error when Running Chris Walter's: Introduction to the DM AFW packages ipython notebook

Will Dawson will at dawsonresearch.com
Thu May 7 16:11:41 PDT 2015

Jim / Dominique,

Thank you for the suggestions. Apparently the SingleFrameMeasurementConfig/Task are not in v10.0, as I get the following error when instantiating it

 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'SingleFrameMeasurementConfig'

I tried installing 10_1_rc3 and got through 23/55 programs before encountering the following error:

eups distrib: Failed to build base-10.0-5-g766159b.eupspkg: Command:
	source /Users/dawson/lsst/eups/bin/setups.sh; export EUPS_PATH=/Users/dawson/lsst; (/Users/dawson/lsst/EupsBuildDir/DarwinX86/base-10.0-5-g766159b/build.sh) >> /Users/dawson/lsst/EupsBuildDir/DarwinX86/base-10.0-5-g766159b/build.log 2>&1 4>/Users/dawson/lsst/EupsBuildDir/DarwinX86/base-10.0-5-g766159b/build.msg 
exited with code 252

I am burnt out on switching between different distributions (in part motivated by dm stack and galsim I recently switched from macports to homebrew and canopy to anaconda) and fixing the things that will inevitably break so I don’t feel like trying the CernVMFS distribution. I will just wait for v10_1.  


> On May 7, 2015, at 2:33 PM, Dominique Boutigny <boutigny at in2p3.fr> wrote:
> Hi Will,
> As far as I know, v10_1 will be released in a couple of days so I don't think that you should invest too much time in v10_0. In the mean time you can use v10_1_rc3 which is very close to v10_1, either by installing it directly (https://confluence.lsstcorp.org/display/LSWUG/LSST+Software+User+Guide <https://confluence.lsstcorp.org/display/LSWUG/LSST+Software+User+Guide>) or even simpler using the CernVMFS distrib : see https://github.com/airnandez/lsst-cvmfs <https://github.com/airnandez/lsst-cvmfs> 
> With the later, once CernVMFS is installed you have nothing to build, the packages are loaded on demand from the network, so this takes a little bit of time the first time, but then it is cached on your local disk and it is as fast as a local install. 
> Dominique
> On 05/07/2015 01:35 PM, Will Dawson wrote:
>> Dominique,
>> Thank you for translating the error. The problem then seems to be with an inconsistent DM functions default parameter settings. From the notebook the schema and measurement configuration is set by
>> schema = lsst.afw.table.SourceTable.makeMinimalSchema()
>> measureSourcesConfig  = lsst.meas.algorithms.SourceMeasurementConfig()
>> So it appears that makeMinimialSchema() and SourceMeasurementConfig() need to be made compatible (perhaps is has been in v10_1). Should I be using v10_1 instead of v10_0?
>> Thank you for the very helpful CFHTLS references.
>> Regards,
>> Will
>>> On May 7, 2015, at 12:09 PM, Dominique Boutigny <boutigny at in2p3.fr <mailto:boutigny at in2p3.fr>> wrote:
>>> Hi Will,
>>> Yes, the schema has changed in the latest stack versions and "flux.sinc_flux" is not any more in the source table schema. Something directly replacing sinc_flux was present  in the v10_0 but this has been completely replaced in the latest stack_v10_1. There are now 10 Aperture flux corresponding to 10 different radii. 
>>> You can have a look to http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/DarkEnergyScienceCollaboration/CFHTLS-Reprocess/tree/master/notebooks/ <http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/DarkEnergyScienceCollaboration/CFHTLS-Reprocess/tree/master/notebooks/> to get notebook examples with the most recent stack.
>>> I can have a look to Chris' notebooks if you wish.
>>> Best,
>>> Dominique
>>> On 05/07/2015 11:52 AM, Will Dawson wrote:
>>>> I encountered an error when running Chris Walter’s Introduction to the DM AFW packages <http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/DarkEnergyScienceCollaboration/DataManagementWorkbook/blob/master/Basic%20DM%20AFW%20Introduction.ipynb> ipython notebook. In the second to last step when I run the command:
>>>> # Apply the measurement routines to the exposure using the sources as input
>>>> measure.run(exposure, sources)
>>>> I get the following error:
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> NotFoundError                             Traceback (most recent call last)
>>>> <ipython-input-19-77c6eca8bda0> in <module>()
>>>>      16 
>>>>      17 # Apply the measurement routines to the exposure using the sources as input
>>>> ---> 18 measure.run(exposure, sources)
>>>>      19 
>>>>      20 # Now let's look at the output from some of the measurment algorithms.
>>>> /Users/dawson/lsst/DarwinX86/pipe_base/10.0+2/python/lsst/pipe/base/timer.pyc in wrapper(self, *args, **keyArgs)
>>>>     116         logInfo(obj = self, prefix = func.__name__ + "Start")
>>>>     117         try:
>>>> --> 118             res = func(self, *args, **keyArgs)
>>>>     119         finally:
>>>>     120             logInfo(obj = self, prefix = func.__name__ + "End")
>>>> /Users/dawson/lsst/DarwinX86/meas_algorithms/10.0+2/python/lsst/meas/algorithms/measurement.pyc in measure(self, exposure, sources, noiseImage, noiseMeanVar, references, refWcs)
>>>>     422 
>>>>     423         self.log.info("Measuring %d sources" % len(sources))
>>>> --> 424         self.config.slots.setupTable(sources.table, prefix=self.config.prefix)
>>>>     425 
>>>>     426         self.preMeasureHook(exposure, sources)
>>>> /Users/dawson/lsst/DarwinX86/meas_algorithms/10.0+2/python/lsst/meas/algorithms/measurement.pyc in setupTable(self, table, prefix)
>>>>      57         if self.centroid is not None: table.defineCentroid(prefix + self.centroid)
>>>>      58         if self.shape is not None: table.defineShape(prefix + self.shape)
>>>> ---> 59         if self.apFlux is not None: table.defineApFlux(prefix + self.apFlux)
>>>>      60         if self.modelFlux is not None: table.defineModelFlux(prefix + self.modelFlux)
>>>>      61         if self.psfFlux is not None: table.definePsfFlux(prefix + self.psfFlux)
>>>> /Users/dawson/lsst/DarwinX86/afw/10.0+3/python/lsst/afw/table/tableLib.pyc in defineApFlux(self, *args)
>>>>    9869     def defineApFlux(self, *args):
>>>>    9870         """defineApFlux(SourceTable self, std::string const & name)"""
>>>> -> 9871         return _tableLib.SourceTable_defineApFlux(self, *args)
>>>>    9872 
>>>>    9873     def getApFluxDefinition(self):
>>>> NotFoundError: 
>>>>   File "src/table/Schema.cc <http://schema.cc/>", line 239, in SchemaItem<T> lsst::afw::table::detail::SchemaImpl::find(const std::string &) const [T = double]
>>>>     Field or subfield withname 'flux.sinc_flux' not found with type 'D'. {0}
>>>> lsst::pex::exceptions::NotFoundError: 'Field or subfield withname 'flux.sinc_flux' not found with type 'D'.'
>>>> Perhaps this is related to the fact that the notebook was written in 2013 and I am using v10.0 of the stack. As I am new to the stack, and given the surprisingly complex error message for such a seemingly simple command, I am hoping that the experts can shed some light on the matter.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Will Dawson
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>>> -- 
>>> Dominique Boutigny  -  CNRS / CC-IN2P3
>>> Now at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
>>> Kavli Building - Room 221
>>> Mail     : boutigny at in2p3.fr <mailto:boutigny at in2p3.fr> -  boutigny at slac.stanford.edu <mailto:boutigny at slac.stanford.edu>
>>> Office   : +1 650-926-5759   -  Cellular : +1 774-232-0912
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> -- 
> Dominique Boutigny  -  CNRS / CC-IN2P3
> Now at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
> Kavli Building - Room 221
> Mail     : boutigny at in2p3.fr <mailto:boutigny at in2p3.fr> -  boutigny at slac.stanford.edu <mailto:boutigny at slac.stanford.edu>
> Office   : +1 650-926-5759   -  Cellular : +1 774-232-0912
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