[lsst-dm-stack-users] Trying out the Anaconda python with a RHEL6 installation

Chris Walter chris.walter at duke.edu
Fri Feb 14 17:34:50 PST 2014

Hi All,

I spoke too soon...

I don't really understand what conda is doing here but the pyfits below is actually the DM pyfits.

You don't see it in the list unless you setup eups with something that needs pyfits (like pipe_tasks).  Then conda knows about it.  The other <pip> ones are there all the time.  

On my mac where I am using macports w/DM and I explicitly declared pyfits as 'system' this doesn't happen.  Clearly it is somehow related to pyfits from DM being in the python system path after it is setup.  Pretty mysterious...


> BTW, I noticed one other item to watch out for while playing with this.
> DM installs pyfits.  Pyfits isn't in the list of anaconda packages but after running the astropy test it seems to have installed it itself somehow:
> neutrino-01:bin $ conda list | grep pyfits
> pyfits                    3.1.2                     <pip>
> I guess the <pip> notation I means it used pip to install something it thinks it needed.
> I'm not sure exactly what it is doing, but here are some other packages it added to itself:
> neutrino-01:bin $ conda list | grep pip
> backports.ssl-match-hostname                   <pip>
> beautifulsoup4            4.3.1                     <pip>
> gevent-zeromq             0.2.2                     <pip>
> pip                       1.5.2                    py27_0  
> pyfits                    3.1.2                     <pip>
> python-dateutil           1.5                       <pip>
> tables                    3.1.0                     <pip>
> wsgiref                   0.1.2                     <pip>
> -Chris

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